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Newsletter Nº 01
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Newsletter Nº 02
Download our second newsletter using the link below.
Public deliverables
N° | Name | Lead beneficiary |
D1.1 | Databases used for training the models, accessible in excel format or through a web tool | UGent |
D1.2 | Software tool with ML models to predict and score chemical recipes for reactions in flow | UGent |
D1.4 | Software tool for optimization of synthesis reaction sequences | UGent |
D2.4 | Application guide of integrated strategies and design rules in the development of greener API`s | LEU |
D3.3 | Guidelines for telescoping reactions | UGent |
D3.4 | Guidelines for reduction of nitrosamine and transition metal contamination in pharmaceuticals | UH |
D3.5 | Development of an aerobic oxidation protocol | UH |
D4.1 | Stakeholder views, needs & wishes on sustainability assessment of APIs | Ecologic |
D4.3 | Methodologies to fill LCI data gaps for prospective and retrospective assessments | RIVM |
D4.5 | Guidance for integrated sustainability assessment of pharmaceuticals | RU |
D4.6 | Examples to illustrate how the generic approach for integrated sustainability assessment of pharmaceuticals can be operationalized to fulfil stakeholder needs and wishes | RU |
D5.1 | Report on socio-economic considerations and feasibility to market greener pharmaceuticals | RIVM |
D5.4 | Scientific article submitted on lessons learnt regarding marketing potential of case study pharmaceuticals submitted | RU |
D6.1 | Plan for dissemination, communication and exploitation of results | Ecologic |
D6.3 | Report on stakeholder needs and interests related to TransPharm tools/methods | Ecologic |
D6.4 | White Paper highlighting the benefits of the TransPharm tools/methods and the possible synergies with upcoming policies | UGent |
D6.6 | Training materials for different target groups | UoY |
D6.8 | Plan for Stakeholder Engagement | Ecologic |
D6.9 | Project website | Ecologic |
D4.1 – Stakeholder views, needs & wishes on sustainability assessment of APIs
This report presents findings from stakeholder engagement activities regarding new methodologies to assess the sustainability of pharmaceuticals over their entire life cycle.
The report provides an overview of stakeholder views, needs and wishes in relation to the sustainability assessment of pharmaceuticals, based on interviews, surveys and/or focus groups, as well as their views regarding the draft assessment approach, the draft value chain map and potential trade-offs.
Link CORDIS: Documents download module (europa.eu)
D6.1 - Plan for Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation of Results
This document presents the second version of the project’s Plan for Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation of Results, first developed in Month 6 of the project and to be updated in Months 18, 30 and 42. This report presents the updated outcomes and planning for Tasks 6.4 to 6.6.
Link CORDIS: Documents download module (europa.eu)
D6.8 - Plan for Stakeholder Engagement
This document presents the second version of the project’s Plan for Stakeholder Engagement, first developed in Month 6 of the project and to be updated in Months 18, 30 and 42. This report presents the updated outcomes and planning for the stakeholder engagement to be performed within Task 6.3 and that of other stakeholder engagement actions within TransPharm.
Link CORDIS: Documents download module (europa.eu)
Reports Workshops
PREMIER and TransPharm workshop
Download the report of the PREMIER/TransPharm workshop that was held on 4-6 April in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Publications / Articles
Applicability of the European Commission's framework on safe and sustainable by design to the pharmaceutical sector (Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy)

Keystones in the implementation of greener pharmaceuticals: A scoping review (Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy)

Pharmaceuticals from renewbles comes closer (SpecChem)
Circa has contributed an article in SpecChem on the topic of pharmaceuticals from renewables in which CIRCA’s involvement in the TransPharm project is mentioned.
Speciality Chemicals Magazine SEPT / OCT 2022 (joomag.com)

Water brownness regulates the bioavailability of a fluoroquinolone antibiotic: UV-absorbance as a predictor of ciprofloxacin ecotoxicity (Environmental Pollution)

Rxn-INSIGHT: fast chemical reaction analysis using bond-electron matrices (Journal of Cheminformatics)

A holistic framework for integrated sustainability assessment of pharmaceuticals (Journal of Cleaner Production)

Geometric deep learning for molecular property predictions with chemical accuracy across chemical space (Journal of Cheminformatics)
Journal of Cheminformatics | Full Text (biomedcentral.com)