Ecologic Institute is an independent research institution for environmental research and policy analysis. Since its founding in 1995, Ecologic Institute has been dedicated to improving environmental policy, sustainable development and policy practice. We strengthen the European and international dimensions in research, education and environmental policy discourse.
Ecologic Institute’s experts cover the entire spectrum of environmental policy, sustainable development and socio-ecological research. We are committed to mainstreaming environmental issues into other relevant policy areas. We research, support and evaluate political processes on the local, national, European and international levels, bringing together actors from academia, policy making and practice. The results are in-depth analyses and innovative recommendations. Ecologic Institute is a private, not-for-profit think tank financed through its project work. Funders include the European Commission, the European Parliament, German Parliament, German ministries and agencies, civil society organizations and various foundations. Ecologic Institute is a member of the Ecological Research Network (Ecornet) and the think tank network Think Sustainable Europe.
Our inter- and transdisciplinary projects generate knowledge and solutions that guide the evolution of sustainable policies and their successful implementation. Our research topics include:
- Socio-ecological research to support sustainability transformations.
- Assessments of the socio-economic, legal and environmental dimensions of policies and strategies for environmental improvement.
- Assessments of the use of natural resources, including effects on air, water and ground quality as well as biodiversity.
- Research on public acceptance, governance and citizen participation at regional, national and supranational levels.
Role in the project
Within TransPharm, Ecologic Institute is leading Work Package 6 - Stakeholder engagement, communication, dissemination, exploitation and training activities, using its broad knowledge of the design and implementation of stakeholder engagement and communication processes. Beyond WP6, Ecologic Institute also participates in WP4 – Integrated sustainability assessment and WP5 – Preparing for the transition to greener pharmaceuticals. Ecologic Institute has previously worked on producing scientific and policy relevant information on the topic of pharmaceuticals in the environment in the projects KNAPPE (FP6), PHARMAS (FP7) and in the ongoing project PREMIER (IMI).